Injury to the Palate - General Information
Most palatal injuries heal without medical intervention due to the palate’s high healing capacity. The carotid artery, with its close proximity to the lateral peritonsillar and palatal tissues, is susceptible to injury with trauma to the posterior oropharynx.
Oropharyngeal Trauma - Pediatric EM Morsels
Jan 6, 2012 · Recall that the appearance of the wound can be deceiving (and you don’t even need to have a puncture to lead to thrombosis of the carotid). Injury (puncture or bruising) over the lateral aspects of the posterior pharynx / tonsillar pillars is more concerning than a midline injury.
Evaluation and Management of Pediatric Oropharyngeal Trauma
Previously published case reports involving children who developed neurologic complications after seemingly innocuous oropharyngeal trauma have led us to conclude that any patient with a lateral soft palate or peritonsillar injury, regardless of wound severity, is potentially at risk for ICA injury.
Injuries of the soft palate and oropharynx may include the fol-lowing areas: posterior pharyngeal wall, the tonsillar region, uvula, the midline, and the left and right soft palate superior to the tonsils (Fig 1).
Jun 20, 2024 · This review covers the evaluation and management of wounds to the hard and soft palate, tonsils, and posterior pharyngeal walls. Dental and tongue injuries are discussed separately. (See "Evaluation and management of dental injuries in children" and "Evaluation and repair of tongue lacerations".)
Management of Penetrating Trauma to the Soft Palate: A Case …
Penetrating trauma to the soft palate and tonsillar region in children has the potential for devastating outcomes due to the proximity of the carotid vasculature to the soft palate and lateral pharynx.
A to Z: Open Wound, Mouth | Rady Children's Hospital
Puncture wounds of the back of the throat and soft palate sometimes happen when a child falls with an object (like a pencil or toothbrush) in the mouth. These wounds can be serious. Many mouth wounds heal without stitches.
Current management of penetrating injuries of the soft palate
Sep 1, 2006 · Management of trauma to soft palate and lateral pharyngeal wall will initially include recommendations regarding hospitalization, mucosal repair, and antibiotic prophylaxis. Subsequent discussion may arise regarding diagnostic studies as well as treatment if thrombosis or neurologic changes develop.
A to Z: Open Wound, Mouth - Children's Minnesota
Puncture wounds of the back of the throat and soft palate sometimes happen when a child falls with an object (like a pencil or toothbrush) in the mouth. These wounds can be serious. Many mouth wounds heal without stitches.
Oropharyngeal trauma in children - UpToDate
Jun 20, 2024 · This review covers the evaluation and management of wounds to the hard and soft palate, tonsils, and posterior pharyngeal walls. Dental and tongue injuries are discussed separately. (See "Evaluation and management of dental injuries in children" and "Evaluation and repair of tongue lacerations".)