Home - Green Churches
Green Christian Communities reap economic benefits and reduce their ecological footprint.
Closing - Green Churches
Green Churches Network is ClosingMay 1, 2024 During the General Meeting on April 23, the members of the Green Churches Network voted to dissolve the charitable organization. From the founding of the organization in 2015 and even since the project was initiated in 2006, the Green Churches Network has struggled to meet a number of
About Us - Green Churches
Our Logo. The Green Churches Project has a dynamic logo. Green is the obvious colour choice since our project is concerned with the protection of the environment. Green is life like the abundant vegetation that surrounds us. In the tradition of the Church, green is the colour of hope, a vital virtue of our project.
Annual Report 2019-2020 : Green Churches Network 8 Monthly Newsletter A total of 2295 individuals receive our newsletter; 1396 in French and 899 in English.
God, Creator of Biodiversity - Green Churches
The Green Churches is a website that offers resources to faith communities opting for better ecological practices while educating members to live in a way that stewards Creation.
Conferences - Green Churches
Our 15th-year anniversary . 2021 was our 15 th year anniversary, and to celebrate we offered a series of free virtual conferences. In times of restrictions on gatherings, these conferences have enabled our community to come together for inspiration and education.
Green Tips - Green Churches
March (1) “Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalms 133:1) When promoting environmental awareness, we cannot overlook the use of our car. More and more people use car pooling or car sharing services, and that is quite amazing.
SPIRITUALITY SEASON OF CREATION This spiritual tool offers material for organizers who wish to inspire their faith community and to join together in prayer for
Retrospective of the 10th Anniversary Gala - Green Churches
Retrospective of the 10th Anniversary Gala The 10 th anniversary Gala of the Green Churches Network held on June 3 rd was a great success thanks to the presence of some 90 guests at the gala who had the pleasure of partaking of delicious gastronomic meal while being entertained by the magician, Marc Trudel and the pianist, David Summer-Hays. . The evening began with a …
Tools - Green Churches
The Green Churches is a website that offers resources to faith communities opting for better ecological practices while educating members to live in a way that stewards Creation.