【frist】 と 【initial】 はどう違いますか ... - HiNative
What is the meaning of "What's your first name and last initial ...
Dec 29, 2019 · Definition of What's your first name and last initial It means to state your First name and the first letter of your last name|Example: Person A : Okay we have your D.O.B (Date of birth), now we just need your first name and last (name) initial. Person B: Okay, my name is Elise Mathis and my first name is Elise and my last inital is M. |@HJKim No problem ☺. …
【preliminary】 と 【primary】 と 【initial】 と 【first】 はどう違 …
Initial it's something that exists at the beginning of something, maybe a plan or something else, it occurs first before anything. it very similar to the meaning of first. First: coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.
What's your first name and last initial có nghĩa là gì? - HiNative
Định nghĩa What's your first name and last initial It means to state your First name and the first letter of your last name|Example: Person A : Okay we have your D.O.B (Date of birth), now we just need your first name and last (name) initial. Person B: Okay, my name is Elise Mathis and my first name is Elise and my last inital is M. |@HJKim No problem ☺. 당신은 영어를 잘하는 것 ...
【first】 と 【initial】 と 【original 】 と ... - HiNative
What is the meaning of "your first initial and last four digits of …
Definition of your first initial and last four digits of your phone number The first letter of your name and the first four numbers of your phone number|@Meredyth last four numbers|@camc oops yes|So for instance, if your name is John Smith and your telephone number is 736-5000, this would be "J5000". Usually "first initial" refers to the first letter of your first name.
"first" 和 "initial" 和 "original " 和 "primary " 的差別在哪裡?
The initial stages of the project will take 6-7 months. The first stages of the project... The beginning stages of the project... When “first” refers to the number one, or when it is used as an adverb instead of an adjective, you must use “first.” “I got first place in the competition.” (I earned the number 1 spot)
What is the meaning of "initial fee (from bank website)"?
Definition of initial fee (from bank website) @Preming For example, if you're exchanging money, like dollars to yen, they may tell you there is an initial fee of $9. So, you have to pay $9 before exchanging the money. It's the same when you go to a doctor's appointment. If you have an appointment, the person at the front desk may tell you "There is an initial fee of $90." This …
"Initial"的意思和用法 | HiNative
"Initial" simply just means "first" (like "initial letter"). If you used it as a noun, it could also mean the starting letters of someone's name (for example, the initials of "Tim Jones" is "T. J."). The difference is that original has a connotation of something older or unique while initial is just literally another way to say "first".
"preliminary" 和 "primary" 和 "initial" 和 "first" 和有什么不一样?
Initial it's something that exists at the beginning of something, maybe a plan or something else, it occurs first before anything. it very similar to the meaning of first. First: coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.