How to Connect Cardboard: 9 Cardboard Joinery Techniques
Feb 10, 2022 · Slot joints work by cutting matching slots into two different pieces of cardboard. These pieces will then slide into each other, forming the joint. It can be tricky sometimes to make your slots all the same size when you are cutting them.
Cardboard 101: Slots - YouTube
Nov 12, 2017 · This video teaches students how to join cardboard using the slot technique...more.
TINKERING WITH CARDBOARD … Slotted Construction - Kathy …
How to build your own cardboard construction without any connectors, the slotted construction fits for connections between all different kinds of cardboard pieces without the use of tape, glue, or other adhesive materials.
11 Ways to Cut and Connect Cardboard - Instructables
11 Ways to Cut and Connect Cardboard: I created this display of 11 techniques for cardboard for an upcoming two day Make Yourself Into a Maker Workshop I run for educators. One of the days is a challenge to create something out of cardboard that …
Cardboard attachment - Tab and slot - YouTube
Dec 7, 2020 · This video is about the cardboard attachment technique Tab and slot.
Make Your Own Construction Set With Cardboard Slots: DIY …
Sep 7, 2020 · We can build various constructive structures by using different-shaped cardboard sloats by cutting narrow-triangles cuts on the sides of cardboard circles, squares, triangles, and other shapes and joining them without any glue or tape!
Cardboard Construction Techniques: Slot - YouTube
Cardboard Construction Technique: Attaching with Slots! In this video, we’ll guide students on how to attach two pieces of cardboard using a slot. This versa...
Create a construction set with interlocking slots, a Tinkering …
With cardboard, scissors, and art supplies, kids and adults can create a DIY construction set with interlocking slots. This cardboard craft project video by the Exploratorium‘s Tinkering Studio demonstrates one way to design a collection of pieces that can be put together again and again in different ways. More from their site:
Slotted Sculpture - MS CHANG'S ART CLASSES
May 2, 2016 · Learn the techniques and practice creating slots and sliding separate pieces of cardboard together to combine shapes without the use of an adhesive. 2. Create shapes and forms that can be combined together from the cardboard given. 3. Create small and large scale sculpture using the slotted sculpture techniques. Comments are closed.
Cardboard Construction - What Make Art
Dec 5, 2024 · Multiple layers of cardboard can be built up to make a panel a desired thickness or to build a scale cardboard to plywood. Tab and slot cardboard construction techniques allow a design to assemble and disassemble without glue.