Ukraine after the War – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Aside from the insurgency in the western borderland, Soviet authorities faced the huge task of restoring Soviet order and the economy in Ukraine after the war. The task was made even more difficult by the imposition of a delivery quota of 7.2 million tons of grain for 1946.
The Gift of Crimea – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Was it, as was described at the time and for decades thereafter, a “gift” to Ukraine? If so, what motivated such generosity? After all, Crimea, the rugged peninsula jutting into the Black Sea, had not become territorially contiguous with Ukraine all of a sudden.
The Famine Years – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Women in War Films; 1947. Cars for Comrades; Cold War; Cominform and the Soviet Bloc; Eight-Hundred Years of Moscow; End of Rationing; Estonia Sings; Famine of 1946-1947; The New Curriculum; Triumph of T. D. Lysenko; Ukraine after the War; Veterans Return; Xenophobia; Year of Laktionov; Zhdanov; 1954. The Gift of Crimea; Hydrogen Bomb ...
Ukrainian Declaration of Independence - Seventeen Moments in …
Our Ukrainian People’s State must be cleared of the violent intruders sent from Petrograd, who trample the rights of the Ukrainian Republic. The inestimably difficult war, begun by the bourgeois government, has greatly wearied our People; it has already …
Treaty of Brest Litovsk Texts – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
No Peace and No War. Revolutionary War or German Peace. Resolutions for Peace and War. The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger! Resolutions on Peace. Related Texts. Decree on Peace. Soldiers Urged to Negotiate with the Enemy. To the Toiling Masses of the World. Publication of the Secret Treaties. Support of World Revolution. Invitation to the Allies
Beria Report on the Guerillas - Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Report on the battle with guerillas in the Ukraine During the duration of operations to liquidate UPA bands from February 1944 to August 1, 1945 a total of 94,196 bandits were killed and 98,848 were captured. 85,833 bandits and draft evaders gave themselves up.
Zhdanov on the International Situation – Seventeen Moments in …
Speaking at the founding conference of the Cominform, Zhdanov recast the Communist view of World War II and represented the current world situation as a bitter contest between the “socialist camp” and “American imperialism.” I. The Postwar World Situation. The end of the Second World War brought with it big changes in the world situation.
Deportation of Minorities – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
In 1957 the government revoked the accusation of Nazi collusion and permitted all but the Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks, whose homes and lands had been occupied by Russian, Ukrainian, and Georgian settlers, to return.
Pavlik Morozov – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
The bodies of Pavlik and his younger brother were found in a forest a few months after the arrest of their father. Whether their relatives had murdered them remains unclear. Finally, Pavlik was not and had never been a Pioneer.
Famine of 1946-1947 – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Secondly, 1946 was a year of severe drought especially in Moldavia, most of Ukraine, and parts of the central black-earth and lower Volga regions. The grain harvest was only 39.6 million tons as compared to 47.3 million in 1945 and 95.5 million in 1940, the last full year before the war.