FAQ - Arabic Gems
The Arabic through the Qur’an course by Arabic Gems is a complete online course in Qur’anic Arabic that aims to deliver to the student an unparalleled experience in the English medium by …
Arabic through the Qur'an
Arabic Through the Qur'an - Term 1. Arabic through the Qur'an - 2023/2. Arabic Through the Qur'an - Term 1. Arabic Through the Qur'an - 2023/1. ... The Quranic Arabic Corpus; Contact …
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 14: ربنا ولك الحمد - Arabic Gems
admin on Linguistic Gems from the Qur’an, Day Twenty-Nine: Amusement and Diversion; Yimulani James alani on Linguistic Gems from the Qur’an, Day Twenty-Nine: Amusement and …
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 8: أعوذ بالله - Arabic Gems
After reciting the opening supplication, we move on to what is known as the اِسْتِعاذَة isti’aadhah - saying أعوذُ بِاللهِ مِن الشيطانِ الرجيمِ. The first part - أعوذ باللهِ is commonly translated as ‘I seek …
Testimonials - Arabic Gems
"As a non-Arabic speaker who wanted to learn Qur’anic Arabic, this course has been a gateway to understanding the meaning, grammar and hidden gems of the Qur’an in a short period of time. …
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 28: ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال - Arabic …
The final part of the supplication that we recite before we conclude the prayer is, ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال **, “**and from the evil trial of al-Masijh ad-Dajjal - the false Messiah.” The word المسيح …
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 10: بسم الله - Arabic Gems
Why Learn Arabic; Lord, have mercy. The secret of happiness; Love, oh love. The story’s secret.
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 27: ومن فتنة المحيا والممات - Arabic Gems
The supplication that we recite before we conclude the prayer continues with the words, ومن فتنة المحيا والممات translated as, “and from the trials of life and death.” The word used for life is محيا a …
Elevated Prayer, Part 17: التحيات لله - Arabic Gems
Once we have completed our prostrations, the next part of the prayer is to sit and recite the تشهُّد tashahhud, the first part of which is التحيات لله commonly translated as, “All salutations are for …
Elevated Prayer Series, Part 19: السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة الله ...
Why Learn Arabic; Lord, have mercy. The secret of happiness; Love, oh love. The story’s secret.