Direction vector rotation by 90 degrees down - GameDev.net
Dec 13, 2008 · If you have a vector V and an axis that is parallel to vector W, to rotate V 90 degrees about W, perform the cross product between V and W. The order of the cross product depends on the right-hand rule. Or, alternatively, create a rotation matrix and multiply the vector by that matrix. That should give you enough terms to google for, should you not know how to do these. But your example doesn ...
converting 2D tile map to ISO tile map - GameDev.net
May 23, 2005 · If your converting your graphics from 2D squares at load up, then I'd sugest going back to the artist / paint package and re-drawing them from scratch, unless your tiles are 16x16 your going to have to re-do them.
Rotation - 3D Flight Simulation - Math and Physics - GameDev.net
Jul 28, 2004 · hi, currently i am working on simple 3d flight simulation. i assume that <- and -> arrows will be for rotating the ship on its local z axis. rotation's at z axis not effects the direction vector until up|down movement. i assume that up and down arrows will be for rotating the ship on its local x axis. rotation's at x axis effects the direction vector. i assume that …
How to do object "rubber band" mouse selection - GameDev.net
Oct 28, 2015 · My current approach is to transform the corner points of the selection rectangle from screen space to NDC space and do the same for the corners of every world-space bounding box of every potentially hit object. This allows me to do a simple 2D rectangle-to-rectangle collision test to see which objects are inside the selection rectangle. This works, but depending on the shape of the objects ...
Point inside convex polyhedron defined by planes - GameDev.net
Feb 21, 2013 · You need to prove that your planes halfspaces define a non-empty convex polyhedron first; I don't think there are practical ways which don't involve intersecting planes and convex polyhedra and building explicit faces, edges and vertices (from which computing the centroid is easy).
welding vertices, 3d studio max - 2D and 3D Art - GameDev.net
Jan 7, 2008 · Recommended Tutorials Vertex Buffer in Direct3D 10Graphics and GPU Programming A Verlet based approach for 2D game physicsMath and Physics Producer Consumer Using Double QueuesGeneral and Gameplay Programming Fur Shading in DirectX 9Graphics and GPU Programming Managing Decoupling Part 4: The ID Lookup TableGeneral and Gameplay Programming
How do you put 50 bullets on screen and still not hurt the frame …
Oct 25, 2006 · Comment out, in turn, the physics and drawing calls pertaining to the bullets and see how performance changes. The last thing you'd want to do is spend hours optimising the drawing code when your physics algorithm is taking 70% of the process's CPU time. Regards Admiral Ring3 Circus - Diary of a programmer, journal of a hacker.
Plot As Thematic Argument, Characters As Thematic Vectors
Mar 31, 2006 · GameDev.net is your resource for game development with forums, tutorials, blogs, projects, portfolios, news, and more.
2d engine: depth? - Graphics and GPU Programming - GameDev.net
Aug 12, 2005 · I now have an engine that draws 2d isometric graphics as textured triangles. The simplest way to handle depth would be to give each corner a z-value based on its y-coordinate.
Rigid Body Dynamics - Math and Physics - GameDev.net
Nov 6, 2005 · GameDev.net is your resource for game development with forums, tutorials, blogs, projects, portfolios, news, and more.