A year and a half after Dakota County paused plans for a permanent homeless shelter amid fierce backlash, Minnesota’s third ...
Although Ames doesn't operate a homeless shelter, it funds local agencies that provide housing and other services. The city ...
City Council President Terrence Mercer says his constituents oppose the shelter and asserts that the hospital's deed doesn't ...
Central Iowa Shelter & Services will no longer house more people beyond its 150-bed limit during times of extreme heat and ...
Enraged Brooklyn residents are accusing the city of a “bait and switch” to replace a building slated for affordable housing ...
The decision to no longer move forward with the plan raises deep questions about how Central Florida is ever going to expand ...
A new policy that could make it a crime to refuse available shelter multiple times has elicited a wide range of opinions.
Residents in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn are upset that what they were told would be affordable housing going up in the ...
Attorney Alicia Rea, a former Lewiston city councilor and a policy fellow for the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine, ...
Legislation that would have put stricter requirements on Homeless shelters has been voted down. Senate Bill 234 and House ...
SafeSide Recovery, operators of the city's only permanent shelter, is seeking funds through the launch of its 'Pueblo 1,000' ...