The controversy erupted after conservative Utah pundit Eric Moutsos posted on X that “Utah State University’s women’s dorm ...
In legislative meeting, University of Utah President Taylor Randall salutes school's rich history — while anticipating its ...
A mother was outraged that a biological male was placed in her daughter’s dorm as a resident assistant, now Cheryl Saltzman ...
A bill requiring students living in Utah public university dormitories to only stay in areas assigned to their sex at birth ...
Utah State University's Blanding campus is launching ENGL 1050, a composition course aimed at improving student reading and ...
The Utah House passed HB269, a bill that would require public universities that provide on-campus housing to only rent ...
Utah’s only openly LGBTQ lawmaker choked back tears Tuesday as she pleaded for her state House colleagues not to pass another ...
HB26 requires the Utah Board of Higher Education to provide universities with instructions for complying with legislation.
Intermountain was the largest boarding school for Native Americans in the United States, and throughout its operation housed ...
The University of Utah is paying an outside consulting firm $6 million for its advisors to come in and coach the school on ...
Where some see the academic and athletic cuts as a chance to reorient the troubled university, many others in the SSU ...
Despite the uncertainty, Utah cities count on these transfers to help sustain future growth. Washington County, for instance, ...