Minister Siromi Turaga emphasized that the problem is especially prevalent among iTaukei communities, particularly in rural areas, where access to registration services remains a challenge. Turaga ...
"As mana i te whenua we have consistently opposed the council bringing the sewage pipe through here," he said. Protests began in January last year, with a handful of people involved. A hīkoi in August ...
“Police recognise that this is a complex and sensitive issue for everyone involved, including mana whenua who consider the site tapu,” a police statement said. “We would like to extend our ...
Martin-Kemp described herself as “a kaitiaki looking after the interests of her people and the whenua throughout Aotearoa”. She, Russell, Marie, Haumoana, and Haumoana’s daughter ...
The construction of a controversial sewerage pipeline near a Rotorua lake considered tapū by mana whenua is set to continue despite protests. Work on stage one of the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme, near ...