Two recent images related to the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple were excellent visuals that herald the colossal project’s ...
Utah and Colorado are in some ways sisters. They share a border of over 200 miles, are both world-renowned skiing destinations that straddle the beautiful and rugged Colorado Plateau, and both revere ...
On March 18, 2020, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake knocked the trumpet out of the Angel Moroni's hand atop the Salt Lake Temple of ...
Local leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivered a letter to the mayor of Fairview, Texas regarding ...
Dirty Soda has it's origin in Utah with the mormon faith. But it has exploded into popularity within the last decade. The ...
Fourth District Court Judge Jennifer Mabey has set a date to decide the future of the lawsuit against Wasatch County and The ...
In what reads like a final plea ahead of a potential lawsuit, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has issued a ...
The June hearing marks a fork in the road for the lawsuit, which began over a year ago. A small group of Red Ledges residents ...
The Mormon Land newsletter is The Salt Lake Tribune’s weekly highlight reel of news in and about The Church of Jesus Christ ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says it plans to add more smart controllers this year at meetinghouses to ...
Elder Hamilton, Elder Bragg, Elder Nattress and Elder Alvarado talked about what they wish more Church members understood ...
Alyssa Grenfell regularly discusses her upbringing online after opening up about how she was raised in a devout Mormon family ...