Kobo has increased the price of its color and black-and-white e-readers in both the US and Canada.
A set of 5844 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid and a 2px stroke. If you load an icon as an image, you can modify its ...
With any new media device, it's so easy to focus so much on the hardware you paid for that you forget it's useless without ...
I don't like how scrolling makes me feel these days. Every headline, meme, and take I scroll past leaves me feeling worse ...
Aussies read more ebooks in January than any other month and major global events influence their title choices.
While it might not be a massive event like Christmas or a loved one's birthday, Valentine's Day is another day to remember to cherish the ones we love most – and shower them in heartfelt gifts ...
Sure, the best Kindles are good, but Amazon's ereaders now have very stiff competition from Kobo. Other big players in the ereader market include Onyx Boox, PocketBook and Barnes & Noble ...
For a time the term "multimedia" was one of the hottest buzzwords in the computer software industry. Although this boom would begin to recede with the bursting of the dot-com bubble, a number of ...
None of the amazing e-readers on the market are locked down as tightly as the Kindle. Kobo comes close, but adding third-party software to your Libra Colour is a breeze compared to what you'll do ...
Kobo devices offer better integration with library apps, making accessing free books easier. The open ecosystem allows for greater flexibility and customization. Kobo e-readers with physical page ...
Unlike older Windows operating systems, Windows 10 has a lot of wonderful premium features. One of these is the well-designed icon for each of the system’s files. However, at some time, we all want to ...
Under Meta’s ‘More Speech and Fewer Mistakes’ moderation overhaul, the Instagram boss says their default settings will reset to enable recommendations of political content from people you ...