Journalists accurately reported that the führer was a “Little Man” whom the whole world was laughing at. It didn’t matter.
Garry Linnell is one of Australia’s most experienced journalists. He has won several awards for his writing, including a ...
In the early hours of 14 September 2019, a brazen heist at Blenheim Palace saw thieves make off with a solid 24k gold toilet worth ...
"If the golden toilet in situ had looked beautiful and perfect and majestic and untainted, this was the total opposite," Mr ...
The four women – including acting legend Marlene Dietrich – whose secret propaganda efforts helped in the World War II fight.
Like any sane person, I had a fear of heights and said that I’d like to get a groundman’s job, which I was told entailed ...
All of it makes me so damn proud to be an American. We saved millions of history’s most desperate people, the huddled masses, ...
The Village Voice reviews Devin Jacobsen's far-ranging short story collection, “The Summer We Ate Off the China.” ...
In January 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor close ChancellorThe leader in the Reichstag, appointed by the German President. of Germany. He led the right-wing Nationalist Socialist German ...
Arguably this was the critical event during this period. It gave Hitler absolute power to make laws, which enabled him to destroy all opposition to his rule. This removed the Reichstag as a source ...
With the communist deputies banned and the SA intimidating all the remaining non-Nazi deputies, the Reichstag voted by the required two-thirds majority to give Hitler the right to make laws ...