Fusion is a staple of the Dragon Ball franchise, even appearing in non-canon material. In the spin-offs, these are the ...
Putting personal preference aside, Dragon Ball's Goku is arguably the most recognizable anime and manga character of all time. Akira Toriyama's beloved Saiyan debuted in 1984, and he has been a ...
The series follows protagonist Son Goku, who meets a teenage girl named Bulma and is encouraged to join her on her quest to discover the location of the seven legendary, magical orbs called Dragon ...
For fans of the series, Super Saiyan 4 might be a touchy subject. The awesome transformation, which sees Goku regain some of his monkey qualities like a tail, a furry body, long hair, and an extra ...
From the time Goku first became a Super Saiyan in the Namek Saga to the arrival of the sagas such as Kaioken Form and, more recently, God Form and Ultra Instinct, each of the forms has contributed ...
Mimicking the reveal of Super Saiyan 3, the adult Goku wields the power in his fight against Gomah which is one that is sure to shake the Demon Realm to its core. Looking to separate the new Demon ...