From injuries to the trade deadline to prospects, here are 10 thoughts on the Blackhawks so far and what to expect after the ...
Joakim Kemell teki perjantaina odotetun NHL-debyyttinsä, kun Nashville Predators matkusti Chicago Blackhawksin vieraaksi. Kemell, 20, pelasi Nashvillen kakkosketjussa 2-6-tappioon päättyneessä ...
Interim head coach Anders Sorensen said he’ll try to fill Dickinson’s skates by “community,” using a “slew of players.” But ...
Some might see a bat lurking above the United Center ice during Wednesday’s pregame warmups as an ominous omen. The creature ...
Edmonton Oilers otti keskiviikkona toisen peräkkäisen voittonsa kaatamalla Chicago Blackhawksin vieraskaukalossa jatkoajalla ...