The Earth Sciences contribute to answers on a wide range of societal and economic questions in areas such as: the natural means of existence (water, raw materials, the energy transition), the ...
Structural geology is the study of the deformation of the surface and subsurface of the Earth and other planetary bodies. This deformation reflects past changes in local and regional stress and ...
The incoming Biogeosciences (BG) Division President will be unable to take their position in April 2025 for unforeseen health reasons, as such EGU are holding an extraordinary election for a new ...
He graduated from the University of Memphis with majors in journalism and art history, and a minor in geology.
Southern California is frequently shaken by earthquakes. How they feel to people living in Los Angeles has a lot to do with the sediment-filled basin the city sits upon. Jack Wonfor spotted a ...
Coronary artery disease (CAD), or the narrowing of the coronary arteries, is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the ...
Hydrothermal fluids can transport suspended metal-rich melt droplets (nano-to-micron-sized) that are precursors to polymineral inclusions and potentially a key process in noble metal ...
A view of Ukinrek Maars in Alaska. The eastern maar (front) is typical of volcanic maars in that it is a deep, round crater filled with water. (Image credit: Nye, C. via USGS) However, there are ...
Plate tectonics is geology’s Theory of Everything. The realisation in the 1960s that Earth’s crust is made of fragments called plates—and that these plates can grow, shrink and move around ...
Ana de Armas cosied up with her boyfriend Manuel Anido Cuesta as they enjoyed a stroll around Madrid on Monday. The Cuban-born actress, 36, was seen linking arms with the lawyer, 27, as they ...
Nearly a century after a collection of dinosaur fossils were discovered by a collector in Egypt and brought to Germany, newly rediscovered photographs suggest the bones belong to a species new to ...
Geology is the study of Earth's history, composition and evolution. We tackle this through a multidisciplinary programme stretching from understanding Earth materials, internal processes that cause ...