A complex molecular machine, the spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed into mRNA precursors, is correctly assembled into mature mRNA. Splicing is a ...
Understanding how cells transform into specialized types during human development is a central challenge in biology. This ...
By reexamining 3D images used to map the connections between brain cells, researchers are uncovering new information about a small, elusive, and often overlooked cellular appendage.
This commentary is a repost from "Sex on Wednesdays" by Martha Kempner on Substack. Find her other articles on The Queen...
Water insecurity and water quality will be the focus of two lectures at Hope College on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 13-14, in ...
The Cell, Developmental and Molecular Biology graduate program offers world-class facilities and faculty in biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, cell biology, developmental biology. Ohio University ...