A woman who has suffered with sleep apnoea for a decade is finally able to breathe and sleep again thanks to a new implant.
The former director general of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Prof Philip Nolan, has taken up a position at Maynooth ...
We’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile a list of healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with everyone’s worst nightmare: your local dentist. I know these simple tricks will have you opening wide and ...
Living Coasts closed for good in 2020. It's owner, The Wild Planet Trust, has been talking to prospective buyers. It currently costs about £50,000 a year to maintain and both the council and the trust ...
Australian medical technology company Optalert has revealed a breakthrough test for sleep issues, expanding access to sleep health technologies for millions of Australians.
A scheme to boost school attendance by giving children ways to cope with anxiety is having a positive impact, a head teacher has said. The Little Heroes campaign was introduced in Staffordshire to ...
Chantelle Whitmore, 32, passed out in the takeaway sandwich shop, and said she was "oblivious" to what was happening as she ...