Bob Lowth Ford General Manager Todd Moudry had long been in good health, so when he was diagnosed with an ascending aortic ...
Life Line Screening is a preventive health screening company. The company began in 1993 and has screened over 10 million people in the United States. Each year about 700,000 people attend Life Line ...
The evolution of the safety and effectiveness evaluation of endovascular grafts intended for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair ...
Contemporary embolization strategies for active sac management during EVAR.
Having any sleep disorder is associated with an increased risk for aortic stenosis, according to an analysis of data from two large sets of electronic health records.
Sara Adair knew she was at risk for a life-threatening aortic dissection after her father and sister experienced the same deadly condition.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Learn how damage from ...
For many of these conditions, women present later and sicker, and are less likely to be treated appropriately.
At its Investor Day in December 2024, Tourmaline announced the nomination of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) as an additional indication within its cardiovascular inflammation disease focus for ...
Chef Adam Hegsted kept a busy pace with his regional eateries, but that was interrupted more than a year ago. A September 2023 open heart surgery repaired a life-threatening aortic aneurysm and ...
Aneurysm care at OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital received a $5 million upgrade this year as part of a $14.9 million investment ...