Anticipation surrounds the New Kingdom galleries of King Tutankhamun ... A new chapter is opening, and ancient Egypt is ...
An approximately 3,500-year-old settlement was discovered in Egypt in Kom el-Negus, located about 27 miles west of Alexandria.
Much like cats, crocodiles, and lions, the hippopotamus was a revered animal in ancient Egyptian culture, as it represents ...
A solar eclipse in the year 2471 BC may have influenced architectural change in Egypt, challenging Pharaonic traditions.
Teti Neb Fu was a revered figure in ancient Egypt around 4,000 years ago, during the period known as the Old Kingdom ... This work opens a new line of research - the use of hydraulic force ...
Cleopatra ruled over Ancient Egypt from 51 to 30 BC and was the last ruler of the Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt.