Each day of the show, Thermwood is live-printing RTM molds, providing interactive demonstrations and highlighting Purdue’s ...
Some standard modules for making 3d shapes with attachment support, and function forms that produce a VNF. Also included are shortcuts cylinders in each orientation and extended versions of the ...
They’ve been crafting amazing Pokémon… Great fan project! Kennywdev made a prism of plexiglass and mounted a camera on top for image tracking. Then, he… The HGST Touro is one of the only ...
Instead of space-time’s three spatial dimensions and one of time, the physics of our world could be encoded into a set of odd geometrical shapes – and studying them may chart a new ...
Hexagon has confirmed its acquisition of 3D Systems' Geomagic software suite, a set of interoperable tools designed to create high-quality 3D models from various sources, including laser scanning. The ...
This is a template for a 3D multiplayer game developed in Godot Engine 4.3. It provides a basic structure for a multiplayer setup, where each player has a nickname displayed above their character and ...