Councils have called for more funding for trading standards services following an investigation highlighting a “postcode lottery” in enforcement.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Government rules on allocating public investment will change to ensure regions outside London and the south-east are not unfairly overlooked.
Barnet Council has been forced to issue a Section 114 notice after an accounting error saw it make two unlawful transactions in relation to its pension scheme.
The public sector could save £45bn every year just by updating its technology, a new report claims.
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The government has set up a cross-party review of adult social care to propose ways to transform the sector, which has faced years of failed or unpopular proposals, and deal with one of the UK’s most ...
Wirral Council is seeking an emergency government bailout after auditors warned that a deficit of over £26m and scant reserves place the authority in a “critical” financial situation.
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