Lunchtime concert with students from the first year of the Bachelor's programme in improvisation. Concert Date ...
Playfulness is a prerequisite for creativity. It allows the mind to explore without the constraints of fear or failure. Through playfulness we can break free from rigid patterns and question ...
This project investigates knowledge building and change processes in organisations. The starting point for the work is data from a national prevalence study on reporting of sexual harassment at ...
Swedish pharmacy personnel report a deteriorating climate as regards patient safety, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. Just under four in ten have a positive opinion of their ...
Additional materials will be handed out.
Welcome to this seminar entitled "The semantics of present stems in Ancient Greek. A pilot study of present participles in Homer". Sofia Dmitrieva is a first-year PhD student in Ancient Greek at the ...
Half-time seminar Members of assessment committee: Kliment Gatzinsky (chair), Luisa Klahn and Alba Corell Main supervisor: Henrik Zetterberg Good to know The seminar is held in English Welcome to join ...
The GNC is delighted to announce that Associate Professor Mats Johnson has been awarded 400,000 SEK per year for three years for his research on intravenous immunoglobulin treatment (IVIG) in children ...
Event in Swedish. We mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination with a conversation about our common history, and how Jewish and Roma culture has been present and left its ...
The Arctic region of the Nordic countries is increasingly at the center of discussions about climate change and various initiatives for the green transition. These developments intersect with issues ...
Phase 1 includes meta-analysis summarizing determinants for emergency preparedness. We will conduct the first meta-analysis on determinants for emergency preparedness, a unique study, summarizing the ...
This is a research seminar in political science that is open to the public. If you are interested in participating, please get in touch with the seminar chair.