O parte din rezervația naturală Dumbrăvița, din Brașov, casă pentru multe specii de păsări rare, a fost distrusă de flăcări.
5 știri by Libertatea – Tech, rubrica de știri de actualitate, găzduită de Dorin Chioțea, redactor-șef Libertatea, ne aduce, ...
Construit in urma cu aproape 100 de ani, la poalele Muntilor Fagaras, in jurul uzinei chimice, orasul Victoria este cunoscut atat pentru industrie, precum si pentru cadrul natural deosebit in care ...
Politistii din cadrul Inspectoratului de Politie Judetean Brasov au desfasurat actiuni pentru cresterea gradului de siguranta rutiera si efectueaza cercetari, in cadrul dosarelor penale pe care le-au ...
Cheers resounded around the inner courtyard of Stockholm’s royal palace as Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden celebrated her name day on Wednesday 12th March. The festivities are an annual occurrence ...
The Inner Harbour is Victoria's primary tourist draw. The busy harbor – home to sailboats, yachts, floatplanes and whale watching Zodiacs – is framed by wide pedestrian streets and ...
A Douglasville man will spend the rest of his life in prison for stomping a 76-year-old man to death at the transitional home where they both lived. Jeffery George Pharr, 32, was sentenced to life ...
A Yakima businessman and former pastor was sentenced Feb. 18 to 30 years in prison for making, possessing and sharing child sexual abuse images. David Roger Franklin, 68, pleaded guilty in October ...
Keep up to date with former Spice Girl turned widely successful fashion designer, Victoria Beckham. Originally from Essex, Victoria reached international fame as Posh Spice alongside Mel B ...
Victoria Police has identified the state's worst areas for number plate theft, with recent crime data revealing Casey as the hardest-hit area.
The Dudești, Giurgiului, Alexandria, Militari, Colentina, and Victoria tram depots in Bucharest were checked as part of the inspections. Other issues identified during the inspections included ...
Procurorii DNA efectuează, luni, 41 de percheziții în Portul Constanța, dar și în locații din Dâmbovița, Brașov și municipiului București, într-un dosar de corupție, în care sunt implicați funcționari ...