The number of children exposed to often dangerous levels of caffeine has been steadily on the rise, and is only increasing, ...
The opioid crisis in 2023, amid the Biden administration, cost the U.S. $2.7 trillion, according to a Council of Economic ...
The “Super Bowl flu” could cost businesses several billion dollars and waste nearly 108 million working hours collectively, ...
From crush to cringe, the "ick" is a sudden turnoff. Research using TikTok reveals the top icks, common reactions, and who ...
A new study has found that going on a juice-only diet for as little as three days can change people’s oral microbiome, with ...
People diagnosed with dementia have up to 10 times more microplastics present in their brains than those without the ...
Why do Black mothers in America continue dying at alarming rates in a healthcare system equipped with cutting-edge technology ...
Through genome analysis, the scientists uncovered surprising insights into yerba mate’s evolutionary history – particularly ...
Imagine resurrecting a long-debunked myth, slapping a fresh coat of pseudoscience on it, and dropping it just in time to sway ...
A survey of about 50,000 adults shows we’re happiest in the mornings, but sad and anxious at night. Planning around those ...
Better access and capability scores were associated with integrated practice ownership and participation in accountable care ...
Timothy Jay, a scholar in the science of swearing, has a few choice words about why we curse and how to cut back (if you want ...