An initiative aimed at raising student achievement doesn't give students enough practice with foundational skills, some say.
In India, many kids who work in retail markets have good math skills. They can quickly perform a range of calculations to complete transactions. But as a new study shows, these kids often perform ...
If you have strong math skills but are also interested in impacting policy and social issues, an economics BS degree is an exciting, dynamic major for you. Develop your communication, computational, ...
This step-by-step guide will show you how to build your own maze-solving robot using Arduino UNO, three IR sensors, and basic components that you can easily find in your local electronics shop.
This paper is a reprint of the original work by A. P. Calderón published by the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM) in ATAS of SBM (Rio de Janeiro), pp. 65-73, 1980. The original paper had no ...
The solution to the optimization problem is available in closed-form and is described in Optimum Value of γ for High Spike-rates with a Complete Derivation in Mathematics and Equations. 3. Match spike ...
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