Live' celebrated its 50th anniversary with a live special on NBC; The Times' television staff weighed in on their favorite moments.
The former ABC News Breakfast presenter stars in a new viral comedy sketch that advertises a spell-check app for online ...
or devouring Spartan Cheerleaders sketches while mainlining "The Best of Will Ferrell" DVDs (guilty) or you recall taping on VHS 2004-era political cold opens so you could re-watch them (guilty ...
Each of them will complement the drawing process, whether you're a professional, beginner, or somewhere in between. When it comes to pro-grade art apps, there's really no beating Photoshop - from ...
The original sketch is the second most-watched “SNL” sketch of all time. On Sunday’s anniversary show, Hanks’ character also sported a goatee, a blue jean overshirt, and had a southern-ish ...