He wonders if, maybe, someone tried to crank the Hangkai engine with its pull-cord starter while its forward ... sign of a gator attack and that such reptilian presence is all but unheard of ...
Though Uncle Boonmee is anti-narrative for the most part — lacking a solid, central line of reasoning or action to follow — ...
but the campaign spun out in the finals weeks after the Tories issued a news release calling McGuinty an “evil reptilian kitten-eater.” The NDP fell further from its previous election result ...
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Grand Rapids Downtown Market put a "reptilian riff" on its Nature Day event this weekend with a special visit from some not-so-furry friends. Slithering Sunday ran from ...
"A lot of people don't have knowledge of extension cords," says Paul Martinez, owner of Electrified NYC, in Brooklyn, New York. "If extension cords are 14-gauge and you're running an appliance ...
Soft & moldable sensory sand: Enjoy the soothing, hands-on fun of moon sand. Its soft, stretchy texture lets you create endless shapes and designs while promoting sensory development and ...
Spinal Cord is a specialised, international journal that has been publishing spinal cord related manuscripts since 1963. It appears monthly, online and in print, and accepts contributions on ...