Recognizing the urgent need for practical and sustainable solutions, Aboitiz Renewables Inc., the renewable energy arm of ...
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is a process which captures carbon dioxide from industry emissions and injects the CO2 ...
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is a process which captures carbon dioxide from industry emissions and injects the CO2 deep into the ground via Class VI injection wells. It is an unproven ...
DP World has appointed Portugese construction firm Mota-Engil to lead the development of the Banana Port, the Democratic ...
By coring the seabed at 850 m water depth in Disko Bay off Greenland's west coast, researchers from the University of ...
Claims that researchers discovered previously unknown structures beneath the Pyramid of Khafre — the pyramid situated in the ...
Researchers developed a tool for predicting the prognosis of people with chronic lung disease-related pulmonary hypertension.