Based on a user-defined choice of two molecular fragments (defined as a partition of the atoms in the molecule), we employ a top-down localization scheme that generates an orthonormal set of localized ...
This valuable study shows a surprising scale-invariance of the covariance spectrum of large-scale recordings in the zebrafish brain in vivo. A solid analysis demonstrates that a Euclidean random ...
A plane spanned by vectors, and containing the point is described in parametric form by holds. This will be shown in the next Section. Condition (7) ensures that the matrix in (3) has diagonal form.
Understand and apply the theory of systems of linear equations. • Produce and understand the definitions of vector space, subspace, linear independence of vectors, bases of vector spaces, the ...
Vectors in 3D, definitions and notation, operations on vectors, scalar and vector products, triple products, 2x2 and 3x3 determinants, applications to geometry, equations of a plane and straight line.
National Research Council Canada, 100 Sussex Dr., Ottawa K1A 0R6, Canada ...