The ox T-bone at the Eku Inn in Nuremberg, Germany, is naturally sourced from cattle raised in grasslands and pastures in Ireland. The restaurant has been in business for more than 50 years. (Matthew ...
According to Nuremberg's city archaeologist, Melanie Langbein, the exhibition is expected to be displayed in downtown Nuremberg during the autumn or winter, as reported by Stern. A more extensive ...
there are plenty of destinations worth exploring beyond the city itself. Here’s a look at six day trips you can make from Nuremberg into the surrounding region of Franconia. If you use regional ...
In 2003 the movement that the Nuremberg trial had sparked succeeded in establishing a permanent International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) at The Hague, a city in the Netherlands.
The son of Jewish immigrants and City College of New York grad also played ... the last surviving member of the prosecuting team at the Nuremberg trials that convicted Nazi ringleaders for crimes ...
Twenty-two of the indicted men eventually sat in the dock in the Nuremberg courtroom. Three of the defendants escaped trial: industrialist Gustav Krupp, who was too frail; Hitler's private ...
In the case of the Nuremberg war crime trials after WW2 (recreated in Radio 4's drama-documentary series, Nuremberg) the authorities were ready for executions and prison sentences, but not ...