Born in Crescent City on April 15, 1889, then raised and educated in Jacksonville, Florida Mr. Asa Philip Randolph was the son of an AME Minister and tailor father, and seamstress mother.
Black History Month honors the achievements and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history, and it’s a great time ...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN. Now the home of ...
Sister Dana sez, “Commemorate and celebrate the history and achievements of African-Americans during BLACK HISTORY MONTH!” ...
Cvil rights groups are sounding the alarm about Patel's qualifications and warning of the FBI's pas illegal activities.
A scholar of medieval Christianity explores the history of Christians who spoke out, unafraid to risk official censure or ...
If you don't really know why, a good starting point is the 1992 film starring Denzel Washington (Gladiator II). An epic in ...
Those of us committed to continuing King’s dream should be outraged by the unjust economic proposals being advanced by the ...
Rustin and Randolph worked again in 1948 on a successful campaign to end segregation in the U.S. military under President Harry Truman. A pacifist, Rustin protested World War II by resisting the draft ...
The National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel is proud to announce the acquisition of the extraordinary archive of ...
Woodrow Wilson delivered his first inaugural address. The day “dawned cloudy,” Irwin Hoover recalled, “but the weather ...