A new book by Westminster insiders paints an unflattering portrait of a prime minister under the thumb of his all-powerful chief of staff who, if government popularity ratings don’t improve, could ...
Her principal qualifications for writing a biography of Dorothy Crowfoot ... Perhaps the best example is that of Margaret (Roberts) Thatcher who studied Chemistry with Dorothy.
JOHN CAMPBELL CONCLUDES his monumental biography of twentieth-century Britain's greatest peacetime prime minister with the Latin tag: Si monumentum requiris, circumspice. Margaret Thatcher's eleven ...
‘I have often felt exasperated’, he writes, ‘by the partisan nature of writing on this subject and particularly by the sneering tone many authors adopt with regard to Margaret Thatcher herself ... so ...
The interview is the subject of this two-part Channel 4 drama by James Graham, and starring Harriet Walter and Steve Coogan.
Dominic Sandbrook, the prominent historian, turns his hand to the stage as librettist for ‘Mrs T’ Margaret Thatcher’s years in power are to be turned into an opera. The Iron Lady’s 11 ...
A sale of items belonging to Margaret Thatcher reveals her sense of humour, the auctioneer has said. The former Conservative prime minister collected satirical cartoons by newspaper artists about ...
This will be his first foray into the world of opera and the combination of the complex politics of Thatcher’s inner circle and Sandbrook’s expertise will likely make a fascinating and entertaining ...
The then-prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, held a friendly meeting with a leading member of the junta in Downing Street in 1980 while Britain’s ambassador in Argentina regarded the promotion of ...
A portrait of Margaret Thatcher by the Scottish artist Anne Mackintosh has sold for £42,000 at auction.
Following her death in 2013, the first Thatcher sale was staged by Christie’s two years later when bidders piled in from 41 different countries on five continents to compete for 165 lots which ...
"She was after all the first female prime minister and in her centenary year, it just seemed a perfect time to get this up and running." 'Lady Macbeth figure' He said the opera wo ...