A 'one of a kind' see-through coffin was carried through London as a gypsy woman was put to rest wearing a Victorian wedding dress. Pauline Devlin, who was non-verbal and never married, had a send-off ...
A manhunt is under way after a 15-year-old schoolgirl was punched in the face and racially abused at a train station in south ...
One Polish couple and their two children were brought to UK and kept under control of Fabien Gil, of Forest Gate, east London, court was told Husband 'sent to work at a banana-packing plant in ...
A GRAND gypsy funeral saw a woman clothed in a white wedding dress as she was carried in a see-through coffin through packed streets of London. The extraordinary ceremony saw Pauline Devlin have a ...
Gypsy and Traveller communities are among the more socially excluded groups in the UK. There is a long history of government failures in meeting these groups’ housing needs. The shortage of sites has ...
A 'proud gypsy' mum trolled for being 'dirty' proves ... Pashy grew up in Thistlebrook, Abbey Wood - on one of London's largest travelling sites - and as part of her culture, says she's been ...
Blanchard, 33, was jailed in the US in July 2016. She had pled guilty to second-degree murder for her part in the death of her mother, Clauddine "Dee Dee" Blanchard, who had Munchausen syndrome by ...
Looking for information on Gypsy Airport, Swindon, United Kingdom? Know about Gypsy Airport in detail. Find out the location of Gypsy Airport on United Kingdom map and also find out airports near to ...