Protesters in Lebanon County gathered to express their dissatisfaction with District Attorney Pier Hess Graf's handling of a ...
The case surrounds Veronika Rodriguez, who reported a sexual assault, but now faces charges about allegedly making a false ...
The protest will take place in Lebanon on Saturday afternoon, according to a Facebook post organizing the event.
Two candidates were removed from the Lebanon mayor's race ballot after a hearing found invalid signatures on their nominating petitions. Republicans Scott Church and Sharon Zook were removed. Church ...
Stacker compiled a list of cities with the fastest growing home prices in the Lebanon, PA metro using data from Zillow.
The field of candidates for Lebanon City Mayor has been cut in half. Republican candidates Scott Church and Sharon Zook were both removed from the May primary ballot on ...
According to Lebanon County Emergency Dispatch, the fire began at 6:58 p.m. at Henry Molded Products along N. 16th Street in ...
Multiple candidates for Lebanon City Mayor will head to court to determine whether they obtained enough petitions to appear on the primary ballot. Republican candidate ...
Lebanon County District Attorney Pier Hess Graf said people have "bombarded my office with profanity-laced calls, directed threats at me." ...
LEBANON COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — A Lebanon County community group has organized a protest against District Attorney Pier Hess Graf.
Firefighters were dispatched just minutes after 7 a.m. Wednesday to a home in the first block of Old State Road, according to ...
The chief has worked for the department for 27 years and became chief shortly after an officer was killed on duty.