Wesley Hill’s small volume about Easter is a beautiful and useful invitation to be shocked anew by the central event of our faith.
Reflection: On the first day of the week, at the dawning of the new creation, Jesus arose from the dead ... Amen. The empty tomb was not a proof of the resurrection, but rather a silent witness ...
Jesus healed the sick and delivered people possessed by demons. DEATH ON A ROMAN CROSS A crucified man’s heel bone found in a family tomb may rebut the charge that Jesus, executed as a criminal ...
He was a fan of soccer and spent a lot of time on his computer. He also was deeply religious and, in April, is expected to be ...
He buries Jesus in his own empty tomb, in a garden. At Jesus's burial, the cemetery becomes a garden, the garden from which Adam was cast out when he abandoned the fullness of life, his Creator.
Also why would the Jewish followers of Jesus change their day of worship from the sacred Saturday Sabbath to Sunday unless they truly believed he was risen? The tomb was empty. And look at the impact ...
King Herod heard about Jesus, for his fame had become widespread, and people were saying, "John the Baptist has been raised ...
Mrs. Worne, who happens to be a former art teacher, told English media nothing could hold her back from exclaiming "Jesus!" ...
In today’s Gospel reading from Mark, Jesus tasks the apostles with beginning their ministry. This is the first instance of ...
The matter right now is not just the global backlash against refugees but the glee with which some anti-refugee figures ...
Let’s assume, as most scholars do, that Jesus H Christ was an influential Jewish preacher born in the Eastern Mediterranean ...
It might cost more to repair them than to buy new ones. But baby Jesus figurines have such sentimental value in families that ...