But after the DNC members go home, the Democrats' national agenda will be largely shaped by their caucuses in Congress, which include Democratic representatives from only 38 states. (Twelve states ...
Democrat Mike Zimmer is the newest Iowa senator, flipping the Senate District 35 seat in Tuesday’s special election.
Democrat Mike Zimmer beat out Republican Kate Whittington in a special election to fill newly appointed Lt. Gov. Chris ...
Democratic candidate Mike Zimmer defeated Republican Katie Whittington according to unofficial results from the Iowa Secretary of State.
Democrat Mike Zimmer has defeated Republican Kate Whittington in the special election for Senate District 35, which was vacated by Chris Cournoyer.
The Register has built a lookup database with more than 2,600 food safety inspection reports dating back to 2023.
Also, legislators considered a bill that would enhance penalties for individuals who wear a hood in an effort to conceal ...
President Trump named voter identification laws as a requirement for California before he would release disaster relief to ...
Consumer fireworks could be sold from a permanent structure throughout the entire year and be shot off on Election Day under ...
As Donald Trump returns to the White House, he has built the most formidable foundation of Republican electoral strength ...
The maps are presented as a single bill to the state legislature ... Incumbent Waylon Brown defeated Deb Scharper in the general election for Iowa State Senate District 26 on November 3, 2020.