Finally, the widespread deployment of AI will catalyze change in almost every aspect of healthcare, including using AI to ...
Sam Srisatta, a 20-year-old Florida college student, spent a month living inside a government hospital here last fall, ...
Researchers conducted an organ-by-organ analysis of glucose's impact and contribution to diseases like diabetes and obesity.
Your body needs small amounts of vitamins every day in order to work well. But when it comes to vitamin supplements, too much ...
By incorporating healthspan science into clinical practice, some doctors are navigating a gray area between mainstream ...
Scientists have long known about the downsides of red and processed meats. Eating them has been linked with increased risks ...
Bacteria have mostly been portrayed as villains that make us sick, but the Human Microbiome Project showed that we share our ...
Older studies that concluded that too much red meat is harmful to your health have many limitations, based on newer findings.
Eating a healthy plant-based diet that includes vegetables, tea, and coffee may help people with cardiometabolic ...
From a metabolic standpoint, the best time to eat lunch is around 12:30 p.m. This aligns with research showing that eating ...
Studies have associated microbes with a lower incidence of cancer, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, asthma, depression, autism, irritable bowel syndrome, colic, Parkinson's and many ...