The Simpsons is more than a TV show – it’s a cultural force. As the longest-running American animated series, sitcom, and ...
"The Past and the Furious" will be available to watch on Disney Plus on February 12th, along with all other The Simpsons ...
As Homer Simpson would say, "D'oh!" Fox recently announced that the remaining episodes of The Simpsons season 36 will come at ...
The lawsuit, filed earlier this month, seeks to claw back the late OJ Simpson’s Las Vegas home from his youngest son, Justin ...
Disney fans have long wondered when Bart, Homer and the rest of the Simpsons family would be moving into Disneyland and Walt Disney World after the entertainment giant nabbed the long-running ...
Fox’s Animation Domination lineup will look a little bit different this midseason, as The Simpsons is nowhere to be found.