Comedians Harriet Kemsley and Bobby Mair are planning a follow-up to their reality sitcom Bobby & Harriet Get Married based around the birth of their first baby. The UK-based comedy duo are now ...
Bobby & Harriet Get Married follows real-life, stand-up comedians Bobby Mair and Harriet Kemsley, plus a host of their comedy friends including, Katherine Ryan and ...
Bobby learns that Best Man, Dylan, is to propose but will he return the honour? Meanwhile, Harriet is forced into a world of pain as she has to cut down the guest list.
AS WE wait at the front of the queue at The Leadmill to watch Harriet Kemsley's latest comedy ... of her marriage to fellow comedian Bobby Mair, but she does quip that while they went for a ...
Bobby learns that Best Man, Dylan, is to propose but will he return the honour? Meanwhile, Harriet is forced into a world of pain as she has to cut down the guest list.