Television was a Baby Crawling Towards That Deathchamber. (“It is here, the long Awaited bleap-blast light that Speaks one red tongue like Politician.”) ...
71. "People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed and the more they find a way to ...
If the “red wolf” of lupus had not ended Flannery O’Connor’s life at age 39, what would the author be writing about in 2025?
Our legacy is really the lives we touch, the inspiration we give, altering someone’s plan — if even for a moment — and ...
Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill explains why he finds the ancient collection of books that make up the Bible fascinating.
“For me, it represents our legacy, it represents the ability, even in the most difficult situations, to come together as a unit and make something work.” ...