Wives' contribution to the household economy has increased. Husbands are performing more housework, but women still do more.
When given the power to distribute resources, a person's nationality, gender, and ideology can help predict how likely that ...
Across the 36 countries, a median of 31% of adults say unequal rights for men and women is a verybigproblem in their country. Another 31% say it is a moderately big problem. People in some ...
Does sharing salaries in job postings help address the gender pay gap? March 15 was Equal Pay Day, the first in a series of reminders of how persistent the pay gap has been. More states and cities ...
PanARMENIAN.Net - Speaking at the annual session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg, ...
Even once a distribution is precisely specified—so that we are ... time required for childcare and housework falling disproportionately on women, gender inequality in earnings is particularly likely ...