On Monday, the Crawfordsville Police Department fully encrypted all radio communications. This means the public will not have access to scanner information.
Safety to community members and police officers in Crawfordsville has become even more important as CPD scanners have been ...
The question of whether police radio transmissions should be encrypted has strong opinions on both sides. My father was Chief on the Prior Lake Fire Department for many years, so I know how ...
While counties made deep investments in community projects and critical infrastructure, they budgeted more for emergency ...
For some drivers on both sides of the state line Wednesday morning, the normal commute turned into an asphalt Slip 'N Slide ...
A pastor is asking the community for food donations after 18 residents, who are being housed at church, were displaced from ...
For some drivers on both sides of the state line Wednesday morning, the normal commute turned into an asphalt Slip 'N Slide due to freezing drizzle that stuck to roadways.
Lehighton hopes to receive a grant for emergency service radios for its police and fire departments. Borough Manager Dane DeWire said the amount requested was $729,753, and added it would be for both ...