The inaugural ECOSOC forum on Financing for Development follow-up on the overall theme: “Financing for sustainable development: follow-up to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA)”, was held ...
The General Assembly voted to elect 18 members of the Economic and Social Council. The new members besides Argentina and Brazil are Austria, Burkina Faso, Estonia, France, Germany, Ghana ...
The councils involved were Lok Sabha, United Nations Economic and Social Council Committee, United Nations High Commissioner ...
The Committee for Programme and Coordination assists the Economic and Social Council in the performance of its coordination functions within the United Nations system by: considering on a sector ...
The President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Ambassador Bob Rae, has appointed Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Omar Hilale, to co-chair, ...
Exiting the LDC category requires the country in question to surpass at least two of the three criteria thresholds for two consecutive reviews or when its GNI per capita is at least twice the income i ...