The trailer for India's first single-shot full-length Hindi feature film, 2020 Delhi, has been released. The film is set against the backdrop of the 2020 Delhi riots, shedding light on communal ...
Eight teams will battle it out for national glory at the 38th National Games, including Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh, ...
The makers of India’s first single-shot full-length Hindi feature film, "2020 Delhi" have released the gripping trailer from the drama. Set against the backdrop of the 2020 Delhi riots, the movie ...
There are 9 contenders for the post of president. Union minister of state Jitendra Singh says everyone’s opinion is being ...
Since he resigned as CM in September, Arvind Kejriwal has tried to reboot AAP and has visited almost all 70 assembly constituencies, as he did in 2015.
For nearly seven centuries, the Koli community in Mumbai has been making its subsistence from fishing, the Arabian Sea offering an abundance of piscine riches to enable it to do so. Today, however ...
Siddharth Bhardwaj UFO Moviez, India’s in-cinema advertising and digital cinema distribution network, has announced significant leadership advancements to drive future growth and innovation.
Watch the trailer here: Apart from this, Chetan Dhanani will next be seen in the much-awaited film 'Sasan,' playing the role of Michael. The film, based on a hidden true story, is directed by ...
Men's rights activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj have expressed concern, stating, “Many men commit suicide because of being trapped in false cases or becoming a victim of legal terrorism.