Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
It threatened "disciplinary action" for any staff ignoring the administration's orders. A sharply-worded memo sent on Saturday to more than 10,000 staff at USAID offered further guidance to Friday’s ...
With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters on Monday praised his swift executive actions upon his return to the White House, while critics derided his planned mass deportations and a rollback in ...
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are seen by Russia as possible venues for a summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, two Russian sources with knowledg ...
Fourteen women and one man were killed and 15 other women injured on Monday, in a car bomb explosion on a main road on the outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, Syria's civil defense said.
何文田豪宅項目「傲玟」公布, 自2023年9月重新推售迄今累積售出共118伙, 套現逾32億1500萬元, 平均成交呎價為2萬1,993元. 今年首一個月內已售出3伙, 套現逾1億元, 平均成交呎價為2萬4,657元. 上年度項目共售出59伙, 套現逾17億5600萬元, 平均成交呎價為2萬2,760元. 當中成交金額及呎價最高的單位為第二座28及29樓C單位, 為頂層複式四房三套間隔, 實用面積 ...
美國聯儲局上周維持利率不變, 符合市場預期. 恒生銀行(00011)首席經濟師薛俊昇表示, 聯儲局議息聲明刪除有關通脹持續回落至百分之2的論述, 反映近月美國通脹有回升的跡象, 通脹回升以及勞工市場回穩為聯儲局暫緩減息提供理據. 隨着美國新政府推行關稅措施, 美國及環球的經濟及貿易環境將轉趨不明朗, 聯儲局將更重視未來數據變化, 以訂定利率的走向. 恒生銀行財富管理首席投資總監梁君馡表示, 去年十 ...
港鐵青衣站有信號設備故障, 東涌綫來往香港至東涌站列車, 維持每6分鐘一班, 港鐵人員正在現場處理, 呼籲乘客為行程預留額外時間.
蛇年首個交易日, 香港黃金交易所舉行開市儀式, 署理財經事務及庫務局局長陳浩濂表示, 去年施政報告提出發掘新增長點, 將本港構建為國際黃金交易中心, 正正是鞏固提升國際金融中心地位的新切入點, 倫敦金屬交易所已將本港納入許可交付地點, ...
蛇年首個交易日, 本港99金開市報25928元, 較上日收市價高328元. 香港黃金交易所今日舉行開市儀式, 主席張德熙表示, 受地緣政治局勢、息口下降趨勢, 以及貿易戰等因素影響, 預料蛇年金價穩步上揚, 大機會挑戰3000美元, ...
Taiwan and China need to talk to each other to achieve peace given the "multifold changes" in the international situation, Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te said on Monday, calling for dialogue instead ...