O nce upon a time, many Disney Princesses may have fit into the same glass slippers, but that’s hardly the case anymore.
The 'Carrie' and 'Crossing Delancey' star joins the show to reminisce about auditioning for 'Star Wars' and being wooed by ...
Met Éireann meteorologist, Dancing With The Stars contestant and author Joanna Donnelly has opened up about life with her gorgeous rescue dog Princess Leia and how much she has lit up her family home ...
When Woody and Buzz are arguing under the truck at the gas station in Toy Story, during the famous “YOU ARE A TOY” exchange, ...
The Star Wars franchise is notorious for creating some of the coolest-looking background characters in science fiction and ...
One movie princess who broke the mould was Leia Organa, the iconic heroine of the Star Wars franchise, as portrayed by the legendary Carrie Fisher. As TV presenter Maddie Moate told the podcast ...
In a playground filled with Disney Princess wannabes, Stylist’s Kayleigh Dray was Leia Organa. Here, she recalls how General Organa inspired countless earth-bound little girls everywhere to ...
Carrie Fisher famously had some tumultuous experiences while shooting the 'Star Wars' films, but names the one director from the franchise that she hated.