The suit, which names popular vape manufacturers including Puff Bar, PVG2, EVO Brands, Demand Vape, Magellan Technology, Midwest Goods, Pod Juice, Safa Goods, Mi-One Brands, Mylé Vape ...
The regulator did not comment on specific brands or companies. Chinese vape giant Heaven Gifts transferred the ongoing U.S. operations of its brand Lost Mary, whose products are not authorised in ...
The 192-page complaint targets 13 companies — Puff Bar, Evo Brands, PVG2, Demand Vape, Magellan, Happy Distro, Midwest Goods, Pod Juice, Safa Goods, Mi-One, Mylé, MVH I and Price Point ...
Other companies named in the lawsuit include Puff Bar, MYLE Vape, Pod Juice, Mi-One Brands, Happy Distro, Demand Vape, EVO Brands, PVG2, Magellan Technology, Midwest Goods and Safa Goods.