Kidd Mine in Timmins is preparing to cease mining operations in 2026–but Glencore is open to discussing possible futures for the property. Lydia Chubak reports.
In 2023, three Northern Ontario health unit areas that make up two per cent of the provincial population accounted for 10 per ...
Timmins athlete Julia Romualdi is featured in a national Tim Hortons campaign to raise funds for Special Olympics Canada.
TIMMINS - The founder of Orange Shirt Day will be in town this fall, just ahead of the annual event. Quilts for Survivors, a Timmins-based organization dedicated to supporting residential school ...
Timmins continues to be paying the most at the pumps in Northern Ontario. At 165.2 cents per litre, the price of gas is a ...
The Porcupine Complex, located near Timmins, Ontario, Canada, has been producing gold for more than 100 years.
Newmont has finally sold its Porcupine operations in Timmins to Discovery Silver Corp. of Toronto for US$425 million.
THUNDER BAY – Lucie Clifford is the winner of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation’s January 50/50 draw, taking home more than $1.8 million. Clifford, who lives in Timmins, had just ...
Takayesu, a Timmins librarian and multi-talented artist in several media, has one of her paintings going up in the canteen ...
Despite the need, Timmins was not approved for funding to establish a Homeless Addictions and Recovery Treatment (HART) Hub, ...