Your tangible net worth is the sum of all of your assets that you can physically touch, minus your liabilities.
For federal estate and gift tax purposes, transfers are valued at the “fair market value” of the asset on the date of transfer. One of the more ...
The practical and emotional challenges of dividing personal property anytime ... around what is to be done and how all but the tangible assets are to be divided. However, the direct heir ...
There is no unanimity on what SaaS is: some states view it as tangible personal property while others regard it as a service. Pennsylvania classifies the provision of software regardless of method ...
A general guideline is $10.00 for each year of service, up to a maximum of $400. Such gifts are not taxable provided they are tangible personal property. Gifts of cash and cash equivalent are taxable ...
From a legal perspective pets are typically considered tangible personal property, no different than your car or your furniture. In some ways this is beginning to change: Pet custody is being ...
RELATED: Here's what you need to bring to vote in Georgia | List Ballot question: Do you approve the Act that increases an ...